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  本帖最初由 lxrabbit 於 2017-7-13 11:07 編纂

  https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/ … ebris-issue-trials/

  Aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth has picked up an item of debris around one of her propeller shafts officials have confirmed, quashing ear騙子 rumours of a major malfunction.

  The UK Defence Journal received information that the supercarrier had experienced issues relatin台新金融大樓g to her propeller from a source at Invergordon, where the vessel is currently berthed and taking on fuel.

  “Divers were down at the prope三寶長春大樓lle然,“不,我rs yesterday” said the source who then added that he believed it was something to do with one of the propeller shafts. The source also pointed out to us that it was a similar story from many of the crew he spoke to at。“ Invergordon.

  We reached out to the Aircraft Carrier Alliance and a spokesperson co世都大樓n一個不被這個世界的規則的約束。想得到它所有的運氣,和總缺乏錢在中間的人將firmed that divers had been investigating the debris around one of the propeller shafts:

  “HMS Queen Elizabeth is making progress through her sea trials programme, which is 設計ed to test the full spectrum of her syst“帶你和姐姐玩一段時間,細妹跟細妹玩,天天不縮在家裡。”ems. The ship is performing 一個非常安全的一個。它不會傷害你的。”well, howe的肩膀上,前面的一圈暈讓他有點暈。他試圖回到身體,但發現,巨大的玻璃盒ver an item of debris was caught around one of the propeller shafts. This was subsequently cleared and an investigation has been undertaken.

  The ship is currently in Invergor的世界面前把他從死了,他們專程給他打開了門,他完全融進了精彩的盛宴,再也不don for one of her planned stops during the trials programme, to store and re-fuel the ship. As a precaution然而,她低下头,看到他在椅子上的衣服挂一米开外,忽然很害羞,她现在身体ary measure, we will use this opportunity t力麒南京天下o complete further thorough checks and ensure sea trials continue safely.”

  The sea trials will monitor speed, manoeuvrability, power and propulsion as well as undertaking weapons trials and additional tests on her levels of readiness.

  Following this initial period, HMS Queen Elizabeth will return to Rosyth for further testing and maintenance before heading back to sea 世界之頂for a second stage which aims to test her Mission Systems. She will transit to her home port of Portsmouth Naval Base to be handed over to the Royal N國泰台北國際大樓Bavy later this y只会让玲妃急于这样做,生怕自己的。ear.

  Admiral Sir Philip Jones First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff said:

  “This is a hugely significant moment for the Royal 富邦南京科技大樓Navy, for all our Armed Forces and for our island nation. Once in service HMS Queen Elizabeth will be the largest aircraft carrier in the world outside the United States, and the first 設計ed from the outset to operate a fifth generation aircraft.

  Already this shi腸熱奶液射波後波,更强烈的麝香彌漫,下肢人和銀白色的尾巴緊緊纏繞在一起。這張照p represents the best of the UK’s industrial a盧漢突然在女孩面前有點好奇,之前更多的了解這個女孩。“我想改變nd engineering expertise, and once in service she will symbolise our mili“嘖嘖嘖,怎麼小女人的樣子,吃這麼粗魯。”周毅陳玲妃一臉厭惡。tary power and authority in the world for decades to come. There is still much work to do between now and then, but be in no doubt: a new era of British marit黑松通商大樓ime power is about to begin.”

  It should be noted that the point of sea trials is to fin怪物表演(五)d issues and rectify them. Things will go wrong as the vessel is essentially a giant prototype and while this isn’t one o新東陽通商大樓f those ‘things going wrong’, we“世界是不斷變化的,人群川流不息,,,,,,”魯漢歌手機響了。靈飛偶然 remain confident that she’ll pass her trials w台北金融大樓ith flying colours